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Space 2.5 is here! Only for Moodle 4.x

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Space 2.5 is here!

Completely redesigned user interface. Better UX. In-build dark mode. All Moodle 4.0 features! Optimized - 50% less CSS,

Trusted by hundreds of customers


Hi, Moodle 4!

The Space 2 is dedicated only for Moodle 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, and 4.0 For Moodle 3.9 - 3.11 there is Space 1.14

Need help with theme customization?
Or you want to report a bug?

Hi, Moodle 4!

Features Request

The Space 2 is dedicated only for Moodle 4.0, 4.1 and later. For Moodle 3.9 - 3.11 there is Space 1.14

Need help with theme customization?
Or you want to report a bug?

Features Request

Just beautiful!

The Space 2 is dedicated only for Moodle 4.0, 4.1 and later. For Moodle 3.9 - 3.11 there is Space 1.14

Need help with theme customization?
Or you want to report a bug?

Just beautiful!
"Truly great template and great costumer support. Very precise documentation with many features well explained. ”
Anna van Diesel Senior Product Designer | ABC Design

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Premium Moodle Themes

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Thousands of world’s leading companies trust Space


Get real-time insights on your performance.

Auto-generated reports: Get accurate insights on your performance with auto-generated reports that help create successful campaigns.

  • Personal asset watchlists
  • Curated market data feed
  • 20+ on-chain, social & dev metrics
  • Low-latency market signals and alerts
  • Sansheets plugin with pre-made templates
Learn more about the Smart Keyboard


Get real-time insights on your performance.

Auto-generated reports: Get accurate insights on your performance with auto-generated reports that help create successful campaigns.

  • Personal asset watchlists
  • Curated market data feed
  • 20+ on-chain, social & dev metrics
  • Low-latency market signals and alerts
  • Sansheets plugin with pre-made templates
Learn more about the Smart Keyboard

2x  50% less CSS - 1.1MB

faster than the previous version of the Space theme.



5 stars

people love this theme!


completely redesigned, dedicated for Moodle 4.0

Get started

Check out the documentation page. Learn how to start and set up everything from scratch.

Let's get started

Blocks Snippets

Check the theme front page blocks snippets library. Check how easy and flexible they are.

Code snippets library


It prepares them to thrive in today’s world — and to shape tomorrow’s. Apple is constantly creating resources to help educators do just that. Not only powerful products, but also tools, inspiration, and curricula to create magical learning experiences and make every moment of screen time worth it.
Team #1

Adam Smith

Senior Coordinator for Faculty Support
From its medieval origins to the digital era, learn everything there is to know about the ubiquitous lorem ipsum passage.
Team #1

Christa McAuliffe

Program Assistant, Middle East Professional Learning Initiative
Lorem ipsum began as scrambled, nonsensical Latin derived from Cicero's 1st-century BC text De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum

Helen Keller

IT Service Center Support Technician
The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin.
team #3

Mark Twain

Audio Visual Technology Infrastructure Specialist
Lorem ipsum was purposefully designed to have no meaning, but appear like real text, making it the perfect placeholder.

One-time charge
Get this theme today!

Our exclusive lifetime update theme & user-centered design
will keep your moodle site running strong for many years to come!

Help and support

If you need help before, during or after your purchase, this is the place to be. You can add up to 20 questions or if you know HTML just add your custom code. The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin.

Having support for your purchased item means that we will be available to you to iron out any potential issues you have in using the item.

The item support period

The item includes support for 6 months from the purchase date. If you’re about to purchase the item, you’ll have the option to purchase extended item support, increasing the item support period up to a maximum of 12 months from the date of purchase.

Regardless of whether you have support or not:

  • When we release an update, it will be available for you to download for free
  • You can report bugs
  • You can expect us to keep the item in good working order, working as described and protected against major security issues

Item support option

The support options available to you depend on when you make the support purchase.

  • A support upgrade is 6 months of additional support that can be purchased at the time of buying the item.
  • A support extension is 6 months of support that can be purchased at any time after the initial purchase of the item, provided the current support period hasn’t expired.
  • A support renewal is 6 months of support that can be purchased after any existing support for an item has expired.